Charlie - Service
How long have you worked for Stephen James?
8 years.
Why did you choose Stephen James over other companies?
I found the company very welcoming and it has a really good family feel.
What advice would you give to a future applicant about Stephen James?
The staff here strive to be the best so hard work is a necessity. Hard work at Stephen James certainly pays off so it is well worth the effort.
What keeps you at Stephen James?
I have experienced great support from not only my colleagues but also higher management throughout my time at Stephen James which has allowed me to progress in my career whilst feeling valued.
What is your favourite part of your job?
My team! I love all of my team - my job would be a lot harder without them all. It can be pretty stressful at times and tough going but everyone working together and having a laugh along the way the job becomes almost fun.
How would you describe the people in your team in three words?
Amazing! Supportive! Determined!