Ed - Service
How long have you worked for Stephen James?
18 years
Why did you choose Stephen James over other companies?
Family environment, state-of-the-art workshops.
What advice would you give to a future applicant about Stephen James?
Embrace the values and focus on why you enjoy the job you want to do. In any job, there are ups and downs but when you love the job you're doing the downs just turn into challenging moments that become even more satisfying when you get through them.
What keeps you at Stephen James?
The challenge of the job and more importantly the team around me. I feel I've put a lot of my time and energy into my job but equally feel I get rewarded and recognised for my hard work.
What is your favourite part of your job?
The fact every day is a new challenge whether that is a diagnosis job on a car, a colleague request or a site issue.
How would you describe the people in your team in three words?
Motivated, goal orientated and mates.